The program is called an overnight fixed-rate reverse repurchase facility. Under the program, which the Fed started in September, the Fed lends bonds from its large holdings of Treasury securities in exchange for cash from eligible financial firms. 根据这项名为隔夜固息逆回购工具的计划,美联储从所持大规模国债中借出债券以置换具备资质的金融机构手中的现金。该计划是在去年9月份启动的。
By issuing debt in exchange for stock, managers bond their promise to pay out future cash flows in a way that simple dividend increases do not. 通过发行股票冲销债务,管理层以一种简单分红所不具备的方式兑现了他们对于未来现金流的承诺。
Ray Spier, editor of Vaccine, declined to comment on Abalaka continuing to provide an untested vaccine in exchange for cash or if he now regrets publishing the paper. 《疫苗》杂志的主编RaySpier拒绝就Abalaka继续提供未经试验的疫苗牟利发表意见,也拒绝评论他现在是否后悔发表了那篇论文。
Opening or keeping special foreign exchange accounts for external debt or special foreign exchange cash accounts for external debt repayment and servicing without approval. 擅自开立、保留外债专用现汇帐户或者还本付息外债专用现汇帐户的。
Ahead of a formal announcement last night, it was not clear what the Dutch government would seek in exchange for a cash injection. 在昨夜正式宣布这一消息之前,并不清楚荷兰政府会希望通过注资换取的内容。
For example, millions of people let credit card companies retain information on the purchases they make with their card in exchange for the convenience of not carrying around cash. 比如说,上百万的信用卡用户同意信用卡公司保留自己的购物记录,而自己则得到了无需携带现金到处跑的便利。
The director of China's food and drug agency was executed three years ago for approving deadly fake medicine in exchange for cash. 三年前中国食品和药品监督管理局执行主任因用致命的假药换取金钱而被处决。
The exchange rate for USD to RMB is the day's purchase price of USD cash in BANK OF CHINA. 美元同人民币兑换比率以当日中国银行美元现钞买入价为准。
Sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash. 有时我去的一些国家那儿很难兑换现金。
The court said he approved land sales and helped people win contracts in exchange for cash. 法庭说,康惠军批准土地出售,帮助别人获取合同,做为回报,他获取现金。
In addition, the exchange of debt for stock helps managers overcome the normal organizational resistance to retrenchment that the payout of free cash flow often requires. 此外,以股票交换债务有助于管理层对付一般性裁员所带来的有组织抵触触发的自由现金流支出。
Avatars earn an in-game currency called Linden Dollars-money that has an exchange rate and can be traded for hard cash in the real world. 游戏人物赚取的游戏币可以按一定汇率与真实世界的货币交换。
The dollar rose strongly on the foreign exchange markets as nervous investors sought a safe haven for their cash. 当胆小的投资者们想为他们的现金寻找一个安全的避难所时,美元在汇市上强劲上升。